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Welcome to the Little Kids Depot!

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Hover over these FUN crafts to help us learn more about our daily theme !

Fuzzy Billy Buddy

1.  Give each preschooler a paper bag and two paper plate “ears.” Make sure you lay the bag down so the side with the bottom flap is up and the opening of the bag is at the bottom.  Encourage kids to color the inside of their paper ears pink. Help them use glue sticks to glue the ears to the top corners of the bag.

2.  Then give each preschooler a marker, a pink “tongue,” and two googly eyes. Help kids draw a nose on the bottom flap of the bag. Encourage them to add the googly eyes just above the nose. They can use a glue stick to glue the tongue under the flap just below the nose. (Make sure kids don’t glue the flap closed.)

3. Help kids use a craft stick to spread white glue all over the front of the bag and cover it with cotton balls. (Again, make sure they don’t glue the flap down.) When preschoolers finish, show them how to put a hand inside the bag and use the bag as a puppet. 

Pop-Out Sun

1. Give each preschooler half a paper plate, with the curved edge at the top, and some markers. 

2. Ask: Have you ever been in a storm? Tell about what happened. Encourage kids to draw on their plates a picture of where they were during the storm. If kids need help, ask them to share if they were at home, at a park, or at school. Direct them to leave some space at the top of the plate for clouds.

3. While kids are coloring, use a paper fastener to attach a yellow circle to the back of each plate so it can tuck in behind the plate completely and “pop out” when turned.

4. After kids finish coloring, help them glue cotton balls along the top, rounded edge of the plate to create clouds. Give them a black marker to make the clouds look like storm clouds.

Choo-Choo Kazoo

1. Give each child a flat Paperboard Tube or a paper towel tube and some markers. Encourage kids to decorate the tubes.

2. If you use Paperboard Tubes, help kids roll them into tubes and secure the tabs with tape when they’ve finished decorating them.

3. Give each child a piece of wax paper, and help kids use a rubber band to attach it to one end of the tube so the opening is completely covered. 

Forever Clock

1. Give each preschooler a paper plate and some crayons or markers. Encourage kids to draw pictures of things they look forward to in heaven on the back of the plate.

2.  When kids finish drawing, help them put dots around the outer edge of the plate like numbers on a clock.

3.  Help kids use a paper fastener to attach a 3-inch and a 6-inch strip of card stock to the center of the plate for hands. When preschoolers finish their crafts, invite them to spin the hands to see what drawings the hands land on. Remind them that they’ll have forever to enjoy those things in heaven.

Alpaca Pal Puppet

1. Draw or trace or print an Alpaca Pal Puppet, and cut out the alpaca from the paper.

2. Let kids color the puppets with markers. 

3. Help kids glue mini pompoms or other decorations on the harness of the alpaca.

4. Show preschoolers how to put their fingers through the holes to make the alpaca “walk.”

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 1


Daily Bible Points

Each day on the Rocky Railway, we will meet a cool new friend with an important message for us from Jesus!

How It Works
Day 1--Ramsey.png

"For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." --Philippians 4:13

Day 2--Ava.png

"So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!"        --Psalm 31:24

Day 3--Sierra.png

"He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless."      --Isaiah 40:29

Day 4--Finn.png

"The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you."    --Romans 8:11

Day 5--Lawrence.png

"Love each other in the same way I have loved you."                -- John 15:12

Bible Adventures with Ms. Laura

for a
FINN-TASTIC time at Bible Adventures



Day 1: Chew Chew Track
Day 2: Bagel Tunnel
Day 3: Coal Crunch
Day 4: Crunchy Crossbuck
Day 5: Good Friend Fruit Pizza 


Day 1

Day 3

Day 5

Day 2

Day 4




for FUN games with the

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